The Journey

Educational & Interscholastic Activities Speaking & Consulting Services

The Journey

Like a texas longhorn.„..

I need to set the table first, There are a couple of things that introduction did not disclose that are important for you to know, first—I like DEAD people, secondly, —that I’m an old person, sometimes my pilot light goes out unexpectedly, Mr. Granados thinks I’m one of those people that HOMELAND Security missed – that being said…„……..

According to the research, just to give you more assurance — this is the most forgettable part of the commencement experience — so there going to have to give you a truth pill to get what I have to say out of you from that long term memory thing . I’ve done quite a few of these over the years and this role — being a keynote speaker at a graduation is like picking a deck chair on the TITANIC……

Really, I’m so honored to be here with you — and on behalf of the faculty, the administration, your family, those who came before you — congratulations on your achievement in completing this part of your agenda . .. I must say — that this faculty is filled with people who understand research, are application oriented and are experienced in the fields they prepared you for, from an academic standpoint, THAT’S A FORMIDABLE ADVANTAGE —you’re very fortunate — and we’d be remiss in not acknowledging there efforts on your behalf.. .

This is a landmark in your journey toward success…

Lets put this into some kind of perspective — We know that conventional wisdom supports the fact that formal education is an important leg in the success journey…………….

We as a nation cherish this PILLAR of our being………….lts been said that……

The Direction in which education starts a person, will determine his/her future life — that comes from Plato — I do love those old Dead people

According to the National Center of Educational Statistics, 7 of 10 young people will graduate from high school in our country…….

Of that number remaining — 64% will attend a school of higher learning, now we’re at 4 of

Of that 4 of 10, a little less than 50% of those will graduate from an accredited institution of higher learning……..So in our country — you’ve become one of the top 18 or 19% academically in our nation…

Lets take that a little further, less than 2% of the worlds population has any kind of higher learning by definition — you’ve become part of a very ELITE group„……………..

Think Education isn’t important………………This is the real STIMULUS PACKAGE because you’ve earned it.

Now, some of us did this quicker than others.       ..Let me first explain that….l’m an estrogen….

The # graduating from college in our country took on a personal flavor as one of my Female type blonde daughters was on the EXTENDED LEARNING plan — she made it in two terms — Clinton and Bush.. . ………„..over…


I’m an estrogen Hostage three blonde female type daughters… ………a female dog…………..a female type wife — the Colonel – …..and you can probably see why I’m so influenced by the distaff side of the ledger……………….

You’re now armed with knowledge — and part of that knowledge is the wisdom to know that there is a

lot more out there……„…..

Just to give you a measuring stick as to how fast this is changing.„………..

when I graduated from High School — part of five decades ago, the available knowledge doubled every 13 years — it now doubles every 13 to 20 months……„..Never thought of it until now but this doubling thing sounds kind of like the ……… OctoMOM…

That wasn’t nice ……..l need to be back at the REST HOME……

Anyway.„…. Because of this explosion of information, we sometimes become infatuated with the makeup and not the FACE or substance of our chosen

NOW, stay awake, I may say something that’s Profound here and I don’t want you to miss it….

Sometimes — we don’t understand our business — you see the Aim of Education is not of Knowledge it is of Character— knowledge is a part of the process – Lets milk the cow…….lf I sell auto parts, tires, etc., what is my business — not auto parts — its transportation, the same is true of cars, its transportation.

If I teach English , what is my business, is it English — no, its Education, and so on .

Again the Aim of Education is not of knowledge, but of Character, (Aristotle , OShea„ Franklin, etc.), all said essentially that in one form or another at different times……

You see School and that means all levels, that’s us — get you ready for the examination but LIFE gives you THE FINAL…„…..

Lets examine this further. .The purpose and personality of EDUCATION IN our country was formed in our country by some familiar names — while the genesis of our system or curriculum came from the GREEKS a lot

These guys were Considered the architects of education in our country…„…FrankIin, Jefferson and Washington„..

Ben Franklin said that education is the transmission of the successful nation…..TRANSMlSSlON

Washington said that an educated nation is a free nation. .. and that an educated populace is a safe populace, in fact preparing for war was one of the three original reasons for public education as we know it „…safeguarding and defending our ideology and boarders from other nations both here and abroad…….We’ve got an ENGINE……..

Jefferson said — It is the free will of the American People and there Ingenuity, there enterprising spirit that will drive this nations economy…….Now we have a DRIVER……

Lincoln said that Freedom means nothing unless you create it for others………

Tonight, as we celebrate your achievement with you – an accomplishment that was the vision of Dead people — and their wisdom, Forget the past and you forsake the future………..

Education by definition is the debt due this generation to the next…..

That’s you — the balls in your court to add to that body of knowledge and to transmit it to others — regardless of your field of endeavor. education, business, industry, social services,……….Will you walk the talk…….

Success or Failure is dependent upon a number of factors……

…….Success by definition…………. is the peace of mind that is the direct result of self satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you can be.         .1n truth , each person becomes the only one who can ultimately judges his or her own success……….Paraphrased, success is being the best you can be regardless of pursuit…………Failure is the destiny of all those who succeed………. …failure is a part


of the process and is not fatal unless you WILL is to be………..l like Football/ sports for that reason — peoples character is defined by how many times they get up after failing a skill, or whatever…..

YOU KNOW we’re the only nation in the world that inherently ties INTERSCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES formally to the educational process , to teach those values and success traits important to being successful in a competitive society.

I read something a while back that characterizes this pursuit well.

Tribal prayer .. …and it goes like this.„….

I’m here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain — not shrink into granules of sand. Henceforth, I will apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all, and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy…„.

True success is the result of three distinct qualities…..ambition, commitment and Conviction — not the kind that helps us get acquainted with the law — One of my Blonde Female types misunderstood that little piece of advice as well.

Lets talk about some other factors of success……..

What you do in the present is a down payment on the future„..

Timing is a factor of success……..

I’ve always admired Winston Churchill, one of the great mind s of the previous century……

He said “To every person there comes a time in their life, that special moment when you are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to you and your God given talents. What a tragedy, if that moment finds you unprepared or unqualified for work which could have been your finest hour.

Every thing, every experience good or bad, contributes too and prepares you for this…..

Another factor is Enthusiasm — Nothing great has ever been accomplished without it, so be

ENTHUSIASTIC and PASSIONATE about whatever pursuit, also be optimistic….l’m so optimistic, I’d go fishing for whales in a row boat and pack along the tartar sauce.„

IMAGINATION as a factor — WALT Disney once stated that all our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them — you must be able to visualize before you can realize…….

So, where are you in this journey now. . . . ..

The fact is we’ve not become educated until you’ve learned how to learn and then apply it….a thirst to learn, if you will , to then apply and produce, ……….and .. . based upon that knowledge become what Socrates called a well formed character………..l do like those dead Greeks..

We also, like to categorize people for some reason, perhaps comfort, compartmentalizing syndrome — whatever…„. but lets talk about two of them………realists and Idealists……….

Realist project success only based on what you can accomplish given you capabilities = he only eats slow animals —never heard of that huh??/???? Think about it — how many fast animals do you eat, how many lions, tigers, cheetahs have you eaten in the last month or so…….those of you from NM state don’t count in this survey, they do weird things down there…„…- we don’t generally eat fast animals„…we eat pigs and cows and fish — things we can catch or beat in a race……. Right……..


Idealist see’s no limits— to them, there is not ceiling in opportunities, there is nothing to fast for them to catch…„.

Successful people in this next leg of the journey are both Realist and Idealist — they subscribe to and practice both ideologies„….

Will you walk the talk.. .

You’re about to get validated,….. in that you’ve earned the keys to an estate that is fertile with knowledge and inherent opportunities, HERE are some parting points………,. .

  1. Do every thing you do, in a way that you’re proud to put your name on it — remember you get engaged to a job but you marry a mission — adopt lots of missions, you can do this — successful people can and do…..
  2. Act out each moment with a sense of urgency jn your day — as you serve others in whatever you do , as though it may be your last or your clients last„….There are 8,760 hours in a year and 84,600 seconds in a day — each one is precious and the one resource we cannot replenish or replace — use each wisely.
  3. Have a conscience — treat every decision you make daily in terms of your behavior as though as a six year old kid is always at your hip — its been estimated that you make about 100 decisions that reflect your character, values, etc., each day — make them good ones and know that you’re a significant influence on a lot of people…..
  4. When you get this degree, and as you continue to accomplish your dreams, act as though you’ve been there before…..act like you’ve won that blue ribbon before…..always, do the right thing, never compromise a value, or conviction….. regardless of consequence………
  5. Dream — never stop dreaming of what would be and what could be ………Every reality is a dream first, – every team, individual, group who have succeeded had a vision or dream first and they never stopped or limited themselves. Know that the road to SUCCESS is dotted with many tempting PARKING spaces, along the way — Never be satisfied with something less than you are capable of achieving – so dream big and often . ..

……this has been a special moment in my life ……TO quote Shakespear.„…Thou art now a scholar, so eat drink (milk of course) and be merry…….Good luck, God Bless and ………Thank you.